The following is a partial list of conditions  which have been  treated by Dr. Finkle

Not   Just   a   back   doctor


Leg pain is a very broad topic with numerous potential causes. A Comprehensive Physical Exam is required to Identify the problem

Leg Pain

Sciatica occurs most frequently in people between 30 and 50 years of age. On many occasions this condition slowly develops as a result of general wear and tear on the structures of the lower spine and discs.



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Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis (or narrowing) is a common condition that affects many adults 50 yrs old and older. This occurs when the small spinal canal, containing the nerve roots and spinal cord, becomes constricted or compressed.

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Spinal stenosis (or narrowing) is a common condition that affects many adults 50 yrs old and older. This occurs when the small spinal canal, containing the nerve roots and spinal cord, becomes constricted or compressed.

Degenerative disc disease

For more information:

Contact Dr. Finkle

Phone: (928)  680-1123

Chick To Watch Video

Chick To Watch Video

Chick To Watch Video

Chick To Watch Video

For more information:

Contact Dr. Finkle

Phone: (928)  680-1123

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Leg Pain        Sciatica       Spinal Stenosis       Degenerative disc disease         (View On this Page)